Sage, pull your jeans up. Daddy Geek Boy turn off the porn and Tent Camper put away the nudy pictures.
OK, here's the deal... I'm here to talk to you guys (and girls) about menstruation, the monthly visitor, Aunt Flow, or whatever it is you want to call it.
Dot Girl has a really cool product to make the 'talks' a little easier on you and your daughter. Girls get their period. Period. There's no getting around it, it WILL happen. My daughter is 12 and she is one of those girls that does NOT want to address the fact that she will indeed have her period one day. My eldest daughter was different, she called me in to see it and she celebrated for a few days. She embraced her passage into womanhood with pride, but not my 12 year old. She stuffs her face into her pillow and puts her fingers in her ears every time I try to discuss it, so I got her a Dot Girl kit!

I think it's awesome! The kit is in a cute and discrete little bag and in it there is a pamphlet, panty liners, pads, coupons for more pads, a period calendar, a mini heating pad to help eliminate cramps and more! Seriously, how cute is it??

I think this is a must for parents of pre-pubescent girls, especially you single fathers out there (yes Trooper Thorn and Coach Dad I'm looking at you). Our house is constantly full of teenage girls and I think having these cute little kits around eases the embarrassment that some girls have discussing their menstruation. I've seen my daughter checking out her kit at night with a flashlight when she thinks I'm not looking and I know it will lead to discussions as soon as she's ready.
I'm thinking of getting several more kits to keep in the guest bathroom for when my daughter's friends come over and need supplies.
Check out Dot Girl and if you would like a kit for your daughter simply leave a comment and one of you will get a cute discrete period kit! (If you aren't one of the lucky winners, go to their site and enter coupon code DOT for a 10% discount)
Giveaway ends on November 24th.
Ok, I'm done, get back to your testosterone induced posts about how you all rule the world and how big your remotes are.
I've always kidded that my daughter has been on the verge of "starting" since she was born...she's THAT moody! Seriously, she's 12 now and I know this is in the near future. This would be a great thing to give to her!
How cute is that?!? I love this idea Mariah! Thank you!
(though seriously thankful that my two aren't near that stage... yet.)
OH, dang. You mean I have to have "that" talk? about timing.
My daughter's mom just emailed me yesterday to tell me that my TEN year old (who is eleven in January) just got her first visit.
I'm officially scared shitless.
Just close your eyes and imagine ME trying to give that talk...." you are going to bleed profusely from your privates...but it won't hurt...except for the horrendous cramps...but that is what they made Midol for...and the bleeding should stop after about 5 days...BUT, this all means that you are becoming a WOMAN...aren't you excited?"
Don't know that I could get through it without you Mariah.
Thanks for schooling us men.
Once again, I am rather pleased that I have boy-children. :)
BUT, this looks like a great product. I hope whoever wins it will report back to let us know how it worked out for them. :)
When my mom told me I had to have a period in order to have babies, I decided right then and there that I wasn't going to have any.
I had the pharmacist explain it to my daughter. This kit would have really helped him because he had just arrived from Vietnam.
See, this is why you are one of the cool dads...I did get the first child a cool bag for her supplies but this would be very cool for my niece. :)
Why you gotta all the time hate on Big Pappi's Boo-tay for?
(I don't do menstruation, if we discuss discharge here we better be talking military and it damn well better be honorable!)
LOL> Oh these comments are priceless! LOL. And what a great post! We have all boys so never had this talk. BUT I have been the one to do all the boy talking... just kinda worked out that way. I always said we would talk naturally about sex, etc. Not just the one "talk" so, as time went on, it was after school, etc. when those talks got talked about.
One on one tme in the car is great for those discussions. Those kids are trapped, they can't get out! lol
But I have to help different girls visiting our house. So this would be nice to have... just incase.
This sounds like an awesome thing. My daughter is 11 going on 20.
Whoever thought of that is a freakin' genius!
*MY* daughters are going to be given a Diva Cup well before the time comes for them to use it. Oh that's right...I'm just *that* cool.
La-La-La *drowning out the thoughts*
I really don't want to have to think about that, but they are at that stage in life... suck.
Well, if my boyfriend would call me that, i would not like it too. why not call me hot chick instead? yeah.. if you take "mama" literally then its not sweet at all. just tell your boyfriend that you don't like it when he calls you like that.
i started giving my daughters the puberty talk when they turned 8 (they're now 12 and 10). i actually won one of these kits over @ the mom jen's and it could not have come at a better time considering she entered womanhood not long after. i'm scared that my 10 yr old is going to start a lot sooner than her sister did, like prob next year, so it would be good to get another kit.
btw let's keep my talking about 12 yo venture into womanhood bt us. she gets 'embarrassed' lol
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