Topic: My spouse is a Morning/Night intimate person, I'm a Morning/Night (opposite) intimate person we make sex/intimacy work by doing this...
First and foremost lets establish this un-deniable fact. I HAVE NO PREFERRED TIME! Anytime, every time and all the time. I'm game on. I mean I'm By God for it whenever wherever. If she even hints like she might be the slightest bit interested I'm all over that like a rooster on a June bug. You know those folks that have dogs that will ummmmm be intimate with the leg of a stranger??? Just sayin...................
Thats the first paragraph........ the rest is HERE.
Come on you can do it, if they won't let you in the password is "Sage isa Hottie".

SAGE I am going to get FIRED for looking at this at work when I don't know an ass is going to be in my face when I open your post. Gads!
Pip - always assume there is some sort of nekkidness if Sage's name is on it!
Also - am I the only one to spot the typo on that poster? YES, cuz the rest were all busy looking like I mean at the ass
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