I was immediately in shock! I could not believe that I was seeing what I was seeing. Does this really happen to people?!

I hope there are no emails in there from a sick old friend or someone who needs help in some way....they'll be waiting a LONG time!!
I have to admit that I came very close to spending a few hours deleting and organizing...but I knew that she'd hang my ass out to dry for organizing HER shit.
That's what my husband's inbox looks like. *shudders* It makes my fingers twitch, I want to "fix" it so bad every time I see it.
I just have to take a deep breath and remember that it's our differences that make us work together so well. ;)
That would make me neurotic! I have to delete everything, everyday! But I am a little anal.
I have upgraded to a blackberry and now I am way to connected, but clear it out immediately. Lol
At work or at home, I can't let a new message just sit there unread. Once I've dealt with it, it's deleted or archived. I couldn't imagine an inbox like Mariah's, yikes...
WHAT?! 37,000 emails. It must be spam. I would just delete that account - say "fuck it" and open a new one.
I have a co-worker with 12,000 messages in her Outlook inbox. Many of them are messages with ok and thanks.
We have been working together and are down to 8000 now.
I don't think I have accumulated/ read/ written/ deleted or saved that many emails in the history of having email!!
Okay I don't think I've even got that many emails...but yea, not many messages go unread within the first five minutes I get them.
Now finding time to respond or forgetting to respond...I do that all.the.time.
Ruf laughed out loud because Ive got over 1500 unread in my gmail.
Im actually very organised about dealing with emails but most of these are google alerts or messages from internet marketers that really should go into spam or just comments notifications that Ive dealt with on my blog dashboard and not got around to deleting the notification...
Please may I be excused... :)
I have no idea how that could happen. I don't even know enough people who could send me that many emails.
WonderWife™ keeps about 30 in her Facebook mailbox. Drives me crazy.
my e mail is so wonderful .it so intersting.
meh, that's nuthin... my inbox is like that dumbass show "hoarders: buried alive" on TLC, only in the form of email.
give me the time and i'll empty the damn box.
ps- that's what you get for going thru her inbox.
this is way more than my friend's..she only had 1098 unread messages...she only keeps up with the important emails that she needs for her schedule and work..it's mostly spam and facebook updates
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