You should totally be getting royalties now Hubman! Since they're using your picture and all on the cover to lure people in to buy the book. You definitely need to be getting some of the money for that. I know if I walked by and saw that in the book store, I'd stop long enough to at least check out the cover. ;)
I need picture proof that ur stomachs look like that and I will make my opinion on the DILF topic...I mean people can perform miracles with photoshop! ;)
But if proven that u r actually DILFS... I'd like to b the photographer for ur upcoming calendar since u guys r all about marketing yourselves :)
I'm sorry, did you say something? I was distracted by the delicious abs.
Shelle, if said abs are indeed verified, can I be your photo assistant for the calendar shoot? I can help spritz them down, light them up, pose them just right ... mmmm ... oh, sorry. I got, um, distracted again.
Dadshouse...yes...that is what I'm saying...minus the "only"...I mean if u can make me laugh i'll consider it... But I can't take a picture of ur personality... Ya know? ;). Thanks ZenMom for getting my back hehehe
BFD... I just made an honest statement!
Tentcamper... I have the same problem...minus the beer
The Boy and the Pine Forest
One day, his parents drove him several hours outside of the city and the
place that he knew as home. They passed by meadows, farms and forests on
the way t...
I think that you are a DILF baby!
You should totally be getting royalties now Hubman! Since they're using your picture and all on the cover to lure people in to buy the book. You definitely need to be getting some of the money for that. I know if I walked by and saw that in the book store, I'd stop long enough to at least check out the cover. ;)
Whoa Hubman, you got it goin' on! Congrats on the book! It was only a matter of time before the world discovered the awesomeness of the Hot Dads.
I need picture proof that ur stomachs look like that and I will make my opinion on the DILF topic...I mean people can perform miracles with photoshop! ;)
But if proven that u r actually DILFS... I'd like to b the photographer for ur upcoming calendar since u guys r all about marketing yourselves :)
Dad I'd Like to Fuck
Dork I'd Like to Forget
Dude I'll Loathe Forever
Dude I'd Lick Feverously
I guess we are all DILFs in one way or the other!!
Nice find Hubman!!
I'm sorry, did you say something? I was distracted by the delicious abs.
Shelle, if said abs are indeed verified, can I be your photo assistant for the calendar shoot? I can help spritz them down, light them up, pose them just right ... mmmm ... oh, sorry. I got, um, distracted again.
Well stupid me was going to ask what DILF meant but...thanks TentCamper!!!
My abs look like that...with some careful airbrushing.
Very it. Great pic of you Hubman. DILF has so many lovely meanings.
LOL nice, Hmm would that be literal or fantasy heehee
You'll don't *really* think that's me, right? Just check out any number of my HNT posts to verify that I have abs like that only in my dreams...
Queen-hehehehe but you knew what a MILF was right???
ZenMom-- okay, I was going to do interviews for that... but you sound like you know what you are doing!
Hubman just verified that his were indeed NOT like that... but Daddy Geek Boy gave us permission to airbrush his! :)
I will say that I, honestly, have abs like that...they are just slightly burried under a comfortable layer of beer-induced fat.
I need a scalple...anot an airbrush
Shelle - you're saying you only want to sleep with dads who have six pack abs like that? I should have skipped college and hung out in the gym.
I don't think Shelle said "only". ;)
Oh goodness I step out and Shelle is getting into all sorts of trouble again. :)
I totally think that is Hubman. But, you know I totally believe everything on the internet.
Oh, and I am an ace at sarcasm
I am pretty sure you all are but cannot make a true commitment without shirtless pictures of you all first.
Soccer mom...that's all I was saying!
Dadshouse...yes...that is what I'm saying...minus the "only"...I mean if u can make me laugh i'll consider it... But I can't take a picture of ur personality... Ya know? ;). Thanks ZenMom for getting my back hehehe
BFD... I just made an honest statement!
Tentcamper... I have the same problem...minus the beer
Yeah...I tried to go to lite beer and ...could not do it...tasted like pee.
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