Just a casual observation from
a dad who has seen his fair share of vomit from all ages and both genders (and everything in between): Why is everything you throw up orange, no matter what color it was when it went down?

If aliens were to determine what we eat based solely on what we regurgitate, they would say humans diet consists entirely of badly processed carrots.
I have an idea for a new business: Vomit Stain. If you are feeling poorly, take a Vomit Stain to ensure a more appealing shade of puke. Anyone want to invest?
So you know how hard it is to read while avoiding the picture millimeters to the right? hurl~
I have to say- vomit is my least fav odor in the world. If I am asked to clean it while looking at it or smelling it, It is not getting cleaned up.
side note: my post surgery vomit was pea green... meds only in the stomach
thanks for letting me share- you started it
I agree with above poster. Hard to read all that while trying NOT to look at that pic. However I was once at a college bar and a boy came within a few inches of my feet doing something that look quite a lot like that. Would've decked the poor drunken dude if he had gotten any puke on me. lol
I have had many instances of bial yellow. But this was during my years of chronic kidney stones and it literally WAS bial.
I just want to tell the guy in the pic to get closer to the toilet!
I, too, have had a few color variations here and there, but overall, you're right, I think it's a lot like the watercolor rinse cup-- no matter what you were painting, it always comes out Shit Brown.
This is the third time I am going to vomit today. Third blog that made me vomit (lol)
Hey now!!!!! Just because you are a Hot Dad...does not mean that you should think like me and steal my ideas!
Nice picture by the way.
I would add to your Vomit Stain...Vomit Smooth...to ensure that the vomit is not chunky. Nothing worse than puking after eating a burger (or something hard to digest) and chunks getting caught in your nose, cheeks and back of your throat.
That has got to be one of the most disgusting pictures I've seen in a while. Probably am not going to get that out of my head for a while. And, vomit stain might be a good idea if it also came with something that made it smell better (didn't make you puke again just by smelling it). Ew. Why, dude? Why? :-)
Oh yuck. Didn't need to see or reade this. lol A few of us here just got over doing that very thing. gag.
But leave it to one of you hot dads to cover this very subject. lol
Dude - I was enjoying my morning coffee when I brought up this post. So much for enjoying that coffee. That pic is gross!!!!! Where do I send the stains?
You must be pretty bored, if vomit is on your mind.
When you make yourself puke with a toothbrush, you initiate the body's natural reflex... an attempt to purge the object, toothbrush in this case, from your throat.
Finally, when you throw up, especially after a meal, you essentially lose most of the meal that you ate.
Really worthwhile data, thank you for your post.
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