But it’s a tradition.
Lot’s of funny traditions about marriage. Like you have to divorce your first wife before you get married again. They won’t let you do it. It’s actually a question on the marria

“I wasn’t ready for the trick question!”
And the government enlists the public in their dragnet for bigamists too. During the wedding ceremony itself, the minister asks the congregation to squeal
Pity the poor guy trying to slide one past the goalie and marry wife #2. He’s kept wife #1 in the dark, braved the inquisition at the marriage commissioner’s office, but he knows that the question is coming. And there are people in attendance that know!
Do we really need a law to prevent multiple marriages? I would think having to be accountable to two spouses would be enough. The laws against public nudity are not what is keeping me from taking my clothes off; I don't want to be running around the streets naked.
One wife is more than enough - you have to be some sort of sick Bast**d to want two . . . why not just shove bamboo shoots under your fingernails? ;-)
Dude, what's even scarier is...two HUSBANDS! All those friggin' socks lying around. The toilet seat would NEVER be down. Dishes in the sink 24/7...
That's some scary shit! ;-)
If you have two wives and divorce them both do they each still get half?
matt: Maybe if a guy was looking for a way to have his self-esteem lowered...
Mom: You'd have to just build an outhouse.
Trio: The Buddha used to puzzle over the same question
The thought of 2 wives makes me want to take a shot of strychnine...one alimony payment is enough. Two?!?!? Where's the closest bridge?
Congrats on your nuptials!
I, on the other hand, am only restrained in my clothes by those pesky laws. My boys wanna breathe free!!
And congratulations
i learned a lot and i think this is beautiful the way they inclued muslim culture and the Chinese culture
First of all, web designing jacksonville's comment sounds like SPAM!
2ndly, 2 wives, NFW!
I can barely deal w/ one!
And I'm w/LiteralDan, running naked through the woods singing "Born Free" makes me feel good!
LOL, I really do feel as if Im married to Ruf sometimes... and I have to remind myself about the man who is actually still my husband on paper.
Project F: Arsenic also works well.
Literal Dan: And that's why you live in a compound.
WD Jacksonville: WTF is your problem?
UP: Don't encourage Dan.
J Cake: He's a lucky man.
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