Now, I was never the most adventurous fornicator in my youth and that has not changed into adulthood. There are a handful of basic positions that seem to do the job in the Pleasure Department. I have never had the desire to "experiment" to any great degree but, while not being a prude, I don't deny the right of others to practice whatever they want as long as it does no harm to their partner.
Furthermore, I had no reason to believe either boy had any direct experience with any the following but their enthusiasm was matched only by my revulsion as they described:
- felching: The act of sucking semen from your partner's anus
- dirty sanchez: The act of wiping your partner's fecal matter across her upper lip
- donkey punch: The act of punching your partner in the back of the head while penetrating anally, thereby increasing the force of the anal contractions
- rusty trombone: The act of analingus by while masturbating your partner (mimicking the slide of a trombone with the penis)
However, it would seem that not only are there enough people "doing" them, they occur enough to give them a nickname. Rather than say "He, I took dump on my girlfriend's chest last night," a person need only say " I did a Cleveland Steamer on my girlfriend."
Am I the only one surprised by this?
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